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Android interview tips

Android Interview tips

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Learn Android Interview Tips with Android training in Chandigarh

The demand for mobile app developers, especially Android, is still very high. Android training in Chandigarh has done many interviews over the last two years and has given extensive discussions about the requirements and given anything. I want to share what I have learned in my various encounters with the senior level developer and also share some tips for the Android interview tips.

11 best tips for Android Interview :

Have your basics clear: firstly and most important point to before going an android interview. You must have complete knowledge of basic Android programming which will also take you through some advanced concepts related to Android application development.

Alternative Methods / Workings: Many interviewers prefer to interfere while asking questions for understanding the candidate’s knowledge, one should be aware of several ways of doing the same work according to the situation. For example, if we do not have permission to use Syntax, is there any other way of doing background work without explicitly using Java thread class?

UI/UX : This is the favorite of most interviewers , android has extensive guidelines for UI/UX for different screen sizes and how to deal with them. Many questions are asked from this area.

Networking and DB: Now almost all application data is powered and web is back end which is used for any type of data sync. For a senior developer, it is necessary to understand all aspects of the network I / O.

At this stage, the design of scaling applications is an important requirement and some design questions can be expected. Ability to relational database concepts and to design them and write basic questions is a must.

Java Concepts: Android training in Chandigarh shares this important topic to help prepare for an Android interview. Java is the most important concept to brush Java basics, threading, legacy, polymorphism etc.

Why and how: For a mature developer, it is expected that not only will he know which component to use, but also can answer why and how the component works. For example, how do handlers work internally or how multiple async tasks can be run in parallel? The pros and cons of using a particular component should be understood.

Design Pattern: This is a very bad area, and its knowledge is essential to show that you are \”senior\”. If I had only one dollar to calculate the difference between singleton class and singleton pattern.

Algorithm: It is always good to have basic understanding and application of various search and sorting algorithms. In the India context the direct application of the algorithm can not be asked, but for the foreigner interview it becomes crooks.

Other frameworks: This is always an additional benefit in enterprise app development especially if developers have knowledge of hybrid frameworks such as Cordova, robotism etc.

Experience: The challenges that you have faced in your career and how you have overcome them. It will include both technical and development. Knowledge of the tight process is very desirable. In today’s era, android training in Chandigarh gives you important advice, if you get a job best company you must have experience and good knowledge of android.

Assignment: Assignment these days are becoming popular as a rowing to measure the candidate. If you have been given the assignment, please make sure that the code you are submitting is complete, many times I have asked the interviewers If you have submitted your assignment without actually understanding the code, the rejection is guaranteed if you can not interpret it in your code.

For more details, visit Android training in Chandigarh.

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